An autistic woman who regularly describes herself as a “people person” in online job applications also avoids cashier checkouts like the plague, according to reports.

Emma Bernard, 29, from Newport, also referred to herself as “outgoing” and “extremely extroverted” – despite struggling to approach a member of staff in store when she couldn’t locate some bin liners.

“I’m great with people,” Bernard insisted. “But I really don’t want to talk to a person. Ever. And I love mixing with others, except any time I have to.”

“No, I don’t freak out when my item fails to scan through and self-service and the red light of shame starts flashing, prompting the assistant wander over and sort me out,” Bernard continued. “That 11-second interaction isn’t humiliating in the slightest.”

“Emma boasts about her exemplary communication and strong interpersonal skills,” employer Liz McHodge, 48, commented. “All whilst looking at the floor.”

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