A non-autistic workplace trainer has really made colleagues think after delivering a presentation explaining exactly what it’s like to “have autism,” sources have revealed.

Graeme Hart, 42, was hired by an unnamed Fortune 500 company as part of their Neurodiversity Celebration Week – a brief reprieve from their regular Neurodiversity Pain in the Arse Year.

“There’s so much to learn.” Hart said. “The problem is that people with autism can be really rigid and inflexible. So when they asked us to change the training due to not relating to the content, we said tough.”

“I felt really inspired by how the presentation encouraged us to see people with autism as just, like, real people.” One attendee gushed. “I never knew it was such a wide spectrum, all the way from quirky to tragic.”

According to reports, Hart ended his presentation with a call to action: “The next time you see a person suffering from autism, give them a big hug.”

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