A well-known autistic influencer has received an adult Dungaree diagnosis, she shared in a moving instagram post.

Kelsey Dacey, 23, from Somewhere Down South, was diagnosed with autism two years ago – but insists this latest realisation was even more life changing. “I mean, I always knew I was different,” she admitted. “In that I could afford to buy several limited-edition pairs of Lucy and Yak’s.”

And it’s a positive step toward embracing her authentic self. “I’m proud to look like I was clothed in the Build-A-Bear Factory,” she said.

“There’s lots of common misconceptions. Like, they’re inconvenient when going for wee,” Dacey continued. “Sure, one of my straps sometimes falls down the toilet pan — but who cares?”

Dacey informed us she identifies with the term Dungaree Wearer, as opposed to Person Who Wears Dungarees, explaining: “the community prefers person first language.”

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