An autistic woman plans to leave no stone unturned in her investigation into why you were a bit off with her, it has been claimed.

Sarah Harrow, 25, couldn’t help but notice you seemed a bit short with her and has attributed this change in mood to her having displeased you in some way. 

She said: “I know I’ve upset you, just tell me what I’ve done so I can try to make it right.” Speaking five seconds later, she added: “Are you ignoring me?”

Speaking five minutes later, Harrow said: “I’ve now gone down the rabbit hole of remembering every social mistake I’ve ever made, like the time I said ‘so’s your mum’ and it turned out she was dead.”

Speaking ten minutes later, she continued: “Everyone in my life is definitely pissed off with me. I’d better text them all to clear it up.”

Friend Liz McHodge, also 25, whose abrupt text messages triggered the anxiety spiral said: “I was driving and using text to speech. I’ve just arrived home and I’m about to read Sarah’s 782,089 messages.”

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