An autistic child whose parents claim is “incapable of showing affection” regularly hugs and kisses her cat, Trevor, it has been rumoured. 

Avery Rice, seven, was diagnosed as autistic after her parents noticed she wasn’t achieving regular milestones – such as looking them in the eye, wearing wanky little outfits they bought her, and saying “I love you” on command.

Her mother, Karen Rice, said: “It breaks my heart that Avery can’t say ‘I love you, Mum’. It’s like my little child is trapped in there and can’t get out. I know she’d tell me if she could, but she just can’t.” Meanwhile, Trevor the cat, 3, was being sandwiched in a fierce and doting cuddle.

She added: “Maybe with enough time and therapy, we can get Avery to understand the concept of love.”

“Maybe her parents are just shit,” said Trevor.

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