A fifth exclamation mark has successfully masked an autistic man’s social awkwardness, it has been confirmed. 

Ryan Wilkins, 34, who struggles to compose work emails without sounding like a regency gentleman challenging a rival to a duel, recently decided that five exclamation points were the sweet spot for conveying that elusive laid-back enthusiasm. 

In an email to a colleague of seven years, Robert Noot, 37, Wilkins wrote: “Dear Sir or Madam!!!!! My humblest apologies for the doggedness with which I must pursue this enquiry!!!!! Tomorrow I must present my findings and therefore must insist that the numbers I have solicited in my missive below be delivered post-haste!!!!! Warmest regards and all the best to you and your family!!!!! Ryan Horace Wilkins!!!!!”

Noot said: “Ryan’s always been an odd one but the exclamation marks are new. At first I thought he’d been hacked but apparently he meant to send that. I can only assume he’s having a breakdown.”

Wilkins commented: “Yes I’m fine!!!!! Why do you ask!!!!!”

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