A new romantic relationship between two autistic people has begun with a round-table summit involving a team of highly paid lawyers and an elaborate set of oddly specific terms, it has been reported. 

Paige Thomas, 38, and Dexter Livingstone, 45, who are both autistic, decided to give a first date a go, but not before explicitly outlining every quirk, expectation and sexual preference. 

Thomas said: “I can’t wait to rip Dexter’s clothes off – but I’ll have to, because he’s taking his time on the latest round of notes.”

She continued: “It’s important for me to know that he respects me as a person and a woman – but I would also like to him jizz on my tits.”

Livingstone responded, via his lawyers, that he very much would like to jizz on Thomas’ tits – but only in a feminist way.

At the time of reporting, the prospective couple are said to be close to agreeing on the terms for a first date, just in time for their anniversary

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