An autistic woman who holidayed in Paris last week is desperately trying to recuperate, it has been revealed.

Sarah Harrow, 31, from Oldham, took seven days off work to go for a holiday – and now immensely regrets the decision.

“I wish I’d just stayed at home,” Harrow said. “If I wanted to be around this many people, I’d go to Tesco on a Saturday morning.”

“Wait, people find pottering around boiling hot cities full of wankers pretending to hold landmarks for their Insta profiles relaxing?” Harrow continued. “A new city where they don’t know where anything is and everything is outside?”

“It’s my own fault. I should have looked up the French for ‘where’s the nearest fridge and telly?'”

“I’ll need to take leave to recover from my leave.” Harrow added. “Next time I’ll just lie on the sofa.”

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