Despite finding it difficult to read the room at times, an autistic woman has found her niche interpreting oven potato smilies, reports have indicated.

Paige Thomas, 24, from Barnsley, subsists almost entirely on a diet of potato-based frozen foods – and endeavours to understand each one intimately. 

“From the outside, they seem cheerful,” Thomas commented, spearing a grinning yellow circle on her plate with a fork. “But there’s a lot going on behind that.”

More recently, Thomas has focused her abilities on the body language of cheese and onion Pombears, as well as other throwback lunchbox snacks.

“I always kill these quickly,” Thomas continued, whilst ripping the head off a Frube. “It’s the kindest thing to do.”

“Paige just doesn’t think of emotions,” said her mother, Liz Thomas, 52 – who had just smashed in the skull of a Lindt bunny without a second thought. 

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