A woman who told her clinically depressed autistic friend to reach out if she felt bad meant for her to reach out to someone else, it has been confirmed. 

Karen Hoyland, 38, told Emma Bernard, 34, that she should “talk to someone about these feelings,” before immediately mysteriously becoming unavailable.

Hoyland said: “I saw on social media that Emma was having a hard time – so I thought I’d let her know that help is out there. I mean, I won’t be providing that help – that sounds like a drag – but I’m sure it probably IS out there.”

“Telling Emma to open up felt great,” Hoyland continued. “It was my good deed for the day. I’d have stuck around to listen to her problems, but my daily good deed quota is one and I’d already maxed that out.”

“I do have another good deed opening in January 2025,” she added. “So I’ll pop my head back in then.”

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