Anyone receiving an autism diagnosis will automatically be referred to be assessed for imposter syndrome, it has been confirmed. 

The move comes following a campaign from autistic activist, Paige Thomas, 34, whose own suspected imposter syndrome is still undiagnosed. 

She said: “I just felt it was important after I spent an unnecessary three years questioning my autism diagnosis – which, to be fair, may have been wrong. I mean, I could have somehow tricked the psychologist.”

“I’m really glad they’re changing their policy,” she continued. “But I can’t take credit. All I did was post a petition online, get 100,000 signatures and speak in the House of Commons. It was nothing, really.”

“I only dedicated a couple of years of my life to it. Loads of other people did more,” she added. “Like my autistic friend Gavin, who reposted the petition to his 200 followers. I’m excited about the change, but I just don’t want to take credit for other people’s hard work.”

“Will I go for assessment?” She pondered. “Probably not. I doubt I’d qualify.”

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