An autistic woman is under fire after unloading to colleagues about her cancelled train without first making it clear that she doesn’t speak for all autistic people, it has been reported. 

Recruitment consultant Paige Thomas, 27, is said to have sparked complaints to HR after she told colleagues: “It’s bloody pandemonium out there. Leaves on the line, apparently. Nightmare!”

Receptionist Karen Hoyland, 45, said: “I was so offended when Paige basically said that all people with autism had a bad commute this morning. She doesn’t speak for my son, who has autism.”

We were able to confirm that Hoyland’s son, Finley Hoyland, five, did indeed have a smooth commute into reception this morning. He said: “Mummy drove me before work. I saw a moo-cow!”

Thomas has doubled down on her comments, despite mounting pressure to retract them, saying: “Actually I do speak for all autistic people. We had a meeting and I was elected official spokesperson.”

Karen Hoyland responded: “People with autism mean everything they say literally, so this must be true. I’ll be attending their next meeting to contest this.”

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