Autistic women are indeed like “chameleons” but for rather different reasons than initially thought, experts have discovered.

The average autistic woman is believed to have a tongue length of at least 10 to 12 feet, roughly twice the length of their body, and is thought to be ideal for catching their favourite snacks – such as Quorn nuggets or a stray Hula Hoop

“It’s great. I don’t have to leave the sofa,” autistic woman Mary Walker, 33, explained. “I’m also like a chameleon in that my eyes constantly dart around anxiously.”

Autism expert Dr. Lloyd Didcot commented: “I mean, we knew autistic women were going at great lengths to hide their true selves. The extent of it, however, has astounded us all.”

Bystanders were heard observing how “normal” Walker looked, before she unfurled her tongue and shot it across the room, devouring Dr. Didcot like a giant fly.

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