An autistic woman who always figures out how a film is going to end about halfway through has spent several hours choosing the perfect new release to ruin movie night.

Kelsey Dacey, 34, who has historically spoiled The Sixth Sense, Gone Girl and Fight Club, amongst many others, has now selected Glass Onion, to her family’s dismay.

Wife Ellie Mulligan, 38, said: “For fuck’s sake, I was really looking forward to that one. I’d planned to watch it in small increments in the loo on my lunch breaks.”

“I try to keep the stakes low when I watch anything with Kelsey,” she continued. “Like when I chose Titanic and she announced that the ship would ‘probably sink’. But she bloody loves a challenge.”

Dacey said: “That bloke just chucked Paul McCartney’s guitar down like it was nothing. Paul wrote Blackbird on that! I don’t trust that guy.”

“I bet there are secret twins!”

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