Concerns are growing for the well-being of an autistic woman who hasn’t been seen since she received a glowing compliment last week, emergency services have said.

Barista Beth Hapworth, 22, claimed to receive the compliment while on shift at an independent coffee shop in Manchester, when her manager said: “Nice job, Beth. I can always rely on you.” Eyewitnesses reported seeing Beth turn scarlet before retreating into her T-shirt like a tortoise.

Manager Liz McHodge, 29, said: “We’re pretty sure she’s still alive, as we can see her squirming around in there, but the rescue team trying to get her out are concerned about her running out of oxygen.”

“They’re amazed she’s survived this long without food or water,” continued McHodge. “The working theory is she’s living off crumbs she’d dropped into her bra.”

She added: “The irony is that she’s now missed three shifts, so the compliment doesn’t even apply anymore.”

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