An autistic woman struggling to find work has finally impressed an interview panel after mimicking the behaviour of the most insufferable human being they’ve ever met, sources have claimed.

Miya Wilkes, 33, from Dingle, had a feeling that her usual interview strategy of “just being herself” just wouldn’t cut it, for some reason – and so decided it was imperative to go method.

“I just pretended to be the type of shallow, empty person I’d completely avoid,” Wilkes explained. “Sort of an amalgamation of Becky Armitage from high school and a horrible contestant from The Apprentice, mixed with the mannerisms of Holly Willoughby. I was fucking insufferable. And guess what? They loved me.”

Company director Liz McHodge, 53, said: “She walked in shaking all our hands claiming she couldn’t wait to be part of the family. You really can’t get more genuine than that.”

Wilkes commented: “Shit. Now I’ve got to keep this up.”

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