An autistic man who decided to go abroad for “a bit of a change” has finally adjusted to everything being completely different on day 13 of his two-week trip.
Aidan Michaels, 35, who booked a fortnight’s holiday to Portugal – having briefly forgotten about the great Marrakesh fiasco of 2023 – announced today that he is finally used to the heat, food and slightly different electrical hum, just in time for his flight home tomorrow.
Michaels said: “You know, I think I’m really starting to like it here. I can’t even remember what a plug socket is supposed to look like. Once I get home I’m at serious risk of just sticking a fork in one.”
“I’ve even learned some Portuguese,” he continued. “Which will be of no bloody use to me in Woking.”
Michaels was last seen Googling “Portuguese restaurants, Woking” while vowing never to go on holiday again.
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