An autistic man is so busy nodding earnestly at everything you’re saying that he actually hasn’t processed a single word, it has been confirmed.

Eddie Albington, 34 – who has been told many times that he doesn’t appear to be listening – now overcompensates by performing listening to the point where he has genuinely stopped listening.

Albington said: “Just smile, nod, fake some eye contact by looking between their eyes. Why DO we have two eyes? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have one massive eye? I should have paid more attention in biology but I was busy pretending to listen then too. Shit, what were you saying?”

Albington added: “Mmm… yeah… fascinating…” while continuing his exhausting inner monologue.

Friend Avery Mann, 35, said: “This is what I love about you, Eddie. You’re such a great listener!”

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