A motorist has once again failed to pick up the ghost of AuDHD woman on the anniversary of her death, sources have revealed, as she completely forgot she was meant to turn up at all until two days later.
Cameron Brereton, 32, did not pick up Beth Hapworth, 21 living, 10 dead, hitchhiking on a stormy night, nor did he drive her most of the way home and give her his coat to shelter her from the rain as she ran in. Instead he got home at a reasonable hour and watched an episode of Paddy and Chris: Road Tripping, before getting an early night.
“Normally on a night like the one before last, with portentous thunderstorms and low visibility, eerily similar to the terrible storm that caused so many traffic accidents exactly 10 years earlier, you’d expect to see at least one or two hitchhiking young women trying desperately to get home to visit their sick mum on her deathbed,” Brereton confirmed. “But that night there was nothing. Almost as if they’d all decided to stay in rather than go out in the storm. Weird.”
Hapworth discovered her error when she turned up at the crossroads at which she’d died, only to find that the sky was clear and there was a bright full moon.
“I’m always doing this,” Hapworth said. “I once turned up a week late to a date with a Tinder match. No wonder I find it so hard to meet anyone.”
At the time of writing, Hapworth was seen attempting to send an apologetic text message via ouija board. She explained: “I just don’t want him to think I’ve ghosted him.”
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