An autistic woman unsure if she also has ADHD has announced plans to try to get assessed at some vague, indeterminate point in the future. 

Emma Bernard, 34, who exhibits a lot of ADHD traits, is absolutely planning to contact the GP, advocate for herself, get on the ADHD assessment waiting list and then wait three to five years before finally getting an appointment that requires both extensive paperwork and phone calls to access – and will do so any day now, so get off her back, OK?

Bernard said: “It’s on my list. The problem is I now can’t find my list. It’s probably in one of these 47 notebooks. I’ll have a look for it – right after I finish this level of Farm Heroes Saga.”

“I’m probably not ADHD anyway,” Bernard continued. “I can totally hyperfocus on things I enjoy doing. Everything else just seems to sort itself out.”

Bernard’s wife, Olivia Buckingham, 36, commented: “Yes. The bills and washing up ‘just sort themselves out.’”

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