A support dog is transforming the life of an autistic person by helping them cope with their neurotypical relatives, it has been reported.

Barclay – a three-year-old Labrador retriever – helps Jay Chester, 18, endure the trials and tribulations of living with a family that is unfortunately neither autistic nor canine.

Chester commented: “I get on with the autism just fine. It’s my mother I struggle with.”

“Barclay keeps me safe from all sorts, including infantilising comments, patronising remarks and attempts to sneak vegetables into my food like I’m a fussy toddler,” continued Chester.
Mostly, we just chat shit together behind everybody else’s backs.”

“It’s ideal having a dog and a fully grown autistic adult, because we basically talk to them the same,” mother Tracey Chester, 58, explained. “Good boy!”

Eyewitnesses reported being unsure of who Tracey Chester’s comment was aimed at.

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