An autistic woman accused of picking on her crush was actually attempting to seduce him with witty banter, it has been rumoured.
Niamh Callaghan, 26, has defended her behaviour towards Ben Espenson, 28, on the grounds that she was “doing a bit”.
Callaghan explained: “All I did was exaggeratedly pretend to berate him for comedic effect! He didn’t need to be such a whiny little bitch about it.”
Speaking from hospital, where he was recovering from third-degree emotional burns, Espenson commented: “She made fun of my theatre studies degree, told me my T-shirt made me look ‘unduly pink’ and called me a ‘beardy cunt’.”
Callaghan responded: “I was being adorable!!!”
Callaghan could not be reached for further comment as she was updating her Tinder bio to specify she was looking for a partner with a sense of humour.
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