The world’s first nephew who doesn’t have autism has been discovered by scientists, it has been reported. 

Seven-year-old Finley Rice has not exhibited a single symptom of ASD – despite having two aunts and an uncle. 

Autism researcher Dr. Graeme Hart, who made the discovery, said: “We brought Finley in for a study on children with autism. Yet when we gave him toys to line up, he just started playing with them.”

“We ran a series of tests involving touching foods, eye contact and trains. We even put a big disco light on and started blaring music to see if he’d have a meltdown, but he just started dancing.”

Dr. Hart added: “We’re still trying to figure out what genetic mutation caused him.”

Rice’s aunt, Karen Hoyland, 40, said: “Finley has been such a disappointment. When I meet someone with autism I have nothing to say to them. What the fuck is the point of him?”

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