An autistic woman who usually leaves the house with every practical item anyone might ever need has apologised for her lack of foresight after failing to pack the one thing a stranger asked for. 

Beth Hapworth, 27, usually carries around enough supplies to survive an apocalypse, but was left mortified today when a fellow commuter at the bus stop asked for a light.

“I don’t smoke,” Hapworth told us. “But that’s no excuse. You never know when you’re going to need to set something on fire.”

“It’s not just about the unlit cigarette,” Hapworth continued. “Which will, of course, haunt my nightmares – it’s the principle. We might have needed that lighter to keep warm in the wilderness. If this was a real emergency, we’d all be dead.”

Hapworth was unable to elaborate on who she meant by “we” and “all” but added: “I’ve let everyone down.”

Hapworth was last seen heading into the woods alone at dusk with a large handbag full of random bits to “ensure this doesn’t happen again”.

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