An autistic woman who constantly agonises over how strange she appears to others has finally found a solution, reports have confirmed.
Krista Shure, 27, from Widnes, regularly seeks reassurance that her interests and behaviours aren’t actually that weird – yet only ever asks people who are weirder than she is.
“When my friend Sarah told me I’m not weird in the slightest, it was a massive relief,” Shure said. “Yes, her bedroom contains a mass collection of deceased insects preserved in fossil, including a shrine to a giant ichneumon wasp. But so what?”
“Sarah isn’t even that nice,” Shure confessed. “Next to her, though, I can convince myself I’m completely normal. That’s why we hang out.”
“Would I consider asking someone more… erm… conventional? I’d be scared to know the answer,” Shure admitted.
“Am I weird?” Sarah Harrow asked, interrupting the interview by suddenly appearing behind us.
“Oh, you’re just fine.” Shure replied.
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