An autistic woman who completed level three of autism has been left wondering what the hell comes next, sources have claimed.
According to eyewitnesses, Miya Wilkes, 33, from West Ecclesfield, is “miserably twiddling her thumbs” after finishing what is supposed to be autism’s final chapter, which included worlds such as Stim Suppression Kingdom and Mandatory Small Talk Mountain.
“It wasn’t easy, especially when I had to dodge all those unexpected phone calls and evil washing machines – but I made it to the end,” Wilkes said. “I even finally defeated my arch nemesis, Dr Big Light.”
“So what comes next? Level four? Level five? Will they be releasing an update?”
Despite collecting an impressive number of coins throughout the game, Wilkes was informed that as people with autism must work for free, the virtual tokens are worthless in the real world.
Sources added that a heartwarming piano track began to play as the game credits rolled, hinting to Wilkes that her autism quest would never truly be over.
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