An autistic toddler who has hit all of her developmental milestones on time has realised she may have unintentionally shot herself in the foot.

Lottie Fitzgerald, three, displays a number of typical autistic traits – although her attempts at mimicking neurotypical communication have completely fooled family members and nursery staff. Instead, her sensitive, introspective nature and intense obsessions with dolls and books have earned her the title of “clever little sweetie princess”.

Fitzgerald said: “I thought that childhood was a game that I had to win, so I’ve been doggedly copying everyone around me. Now, everyone thinks I’m normal, except they all still seem to hate me a little bit, for reasons I can’t quite put my finger on.”

Fitzgerald’s father, Noah Michaels, 38, said: “Lottie’s likes to kick up a fuss whenever we go out, screams with rage whenever we give her baked beans and knows everything there is to know about Louis XVI. Other than that, she’s a typical happy little girl.”

When told she would probably have to wait until adulthood for a diagnosis, Fitzgerald muttered something about the failures of modern psychiatry before going off to microwave one of her Barbies.

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