An autistic woman has smashed the glass ceiling only to become too fucking exhausted to reap any of the rewards, it has been confirmed.

Beth Hapworth, 32, spent her entire 20s grafting, hustling and girl-bossing her way through her event photography career only to find she now needs to nap for the entirety of her 30s.

Hapworth said: “I’ll be back up to full speed any day now – just as soon as those autism researchers find a cure for burnout. Surely that’s what they’re working on, right??”

“In the meantime I’m sure I can be an event photographer from home,” she continued. “If I can just summon the energy to tidy up enough that couples want to have their weddings in my one-bedroom flat.”

Hapworth could not be reached for further comment as she had fallen asleep Googling “cleaning products that don’t make me feel like I’m dying.”

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