An autistic woman has discovered a new remedy for her chronic insomnia – by looking up unsolved murder cases, it has been reported.

Alma Montague, 24, from Chester, said: “I tried lavender oil, milky drinks and meditation. None of it worked. But there, in the early hours, it was Googling famous grisly crimes and watching 40-minute YouTube documentaries on that really did it for me.”

Montague explained that she regularly curls up with a fluffy throw blanket, lies in the dim light of her laptop and lets the foreboding voiceover drift over her.

“There’s just something so relaxing about looking up brutal murders just a few counties away from you,” Montague added. “I’d say it worked even better than expected, because I’ve forgotten all about going to sleep.”

“Sure, detectives might have worked tirelessly on the case for nearly a decade. But I’m pretty certain I’ll get to the bottom of it tonight.”

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