Despite having left primary school nearly two decades ago, an autistic woman still believes prospective partners are only pretending to be interested in her romantically.

Paige Thomas, 28, from Winsford, suspects every potential date must be really dedicating themselves to the bit by establishing intense eye contact and offering to buy her a drink.

“Ryan Wilkins once asked if I’d be his girlfriend in Year Eight for a dare during a French lesson,” Thomas told us. “So it’s totally reasonable that I, as now adult woman, would expect other adults to act in the same way.”

“Last night a woman winked at me, stroked my cheek and whispered she’d had a really lovely night,” Thomas continued. “Which could only be part of some elaborate prank, right? How else would you explain it?”

“Before that, she’d sucked my tits and given me an absolutely INSANE orgasm. Almost definitely for a laugh.”

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