An autistic person has confirmed their New Year’s resolution is adopting “Meet-Free Mondays”, according to reports.

Jay Chester, 34, from Preston, said: “I’ve gave up eating animals ages ago. This is about me enjoying my Richmond meat-free sausages in a solitary space where nobody else can bloody bother me.”

Chester told us: “I already do Meet-Free Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, so it shouldn’t be much of a step up. Unfortunately I still have to do three days in the office a week – but I tend to growl when Barbara returns my stapler and starts asking about my weekend plans. That normally does the trick.”

“I’m introducing the concept to others slowly, as it can be daunting for people to consider giving up inane chatter entirely,” Chester told us. “I’m not asking Jill on reception to immediately stop nattering on about her weekly bingo night – I’m just gently encouraging her to cut down.”

Chester continued: “Each of us can do our bit to prevent completely pointless social interactions. If it stops one person trying to make stilted conversation with you in a workspace kitchen, that’s a victory in my book.”

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