A song by Canadian pop artist Shania Twain has uprooted an autistic woman’s issues with gender identity, reports have confirmed.

The throwback track – which was playing in a bar during a outing with friends she didn’t want to go out with in the first place – prompted Emma Bernard, 29, from Runcorn, to come to a crucial realisation.

“My immediate thought was, oh fuck, I don’t feel like a woman at all,” Bernard admitted.

“I feel like an alien stood next to every girl I’ve ever met,” Bernard continued. “I mean, I don’t think hard enough about it all to call myself non-binary, you know? But I feel like I’m pretending. Constantly. Fuck me, this bodycon dress is uncomfortable.”

“Doesn’t EVERY woman feel like this?” Bernard’s friends shook their heads pityingly, whilst surrounding women cradling goblets of pink gin looked on in fear.

Bernard’s friend, Sarah Harrow, 30, said: “To be honest, Emma, we’re actually just out having a nice time.”

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