Worried about bringing your autism to the office? A local employer has come up with a genius solution, reports confirm.

Paige Thomas, 29, from Ormskirk, had initially feared her adult autism diagnosis wouldn’t be welcome at her place of work. Fortunately, though, her new line manager has found a much better place for it – the local nursery.

“We’re very keen to embrace Paige’s neurodiversity here,” team lead Liz McHodge, 49, told us. “So long as it sits at the snack table behaving itself. And comes nowhere near the customers. That’s where the toddler reins come in.”

“It makes a lot of sense now,” Thomas said. “On my first day, I noticed people sitting at laptops with their feet on the floor, muttering about the weather and what they were planning on having for lunch. I did wonder where everybody else’s autism was, but I didn’t like to ask.”

“What I’m really excited for is Bring Your Autism To Work Day,” Thomas continued. “Then I’ll get to meet everybody else’s. That’s how it works, right?”

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