An autistic woman whose emotional resources have been depleted by “holding space for a loved one” is actually referring to Toadie from the Australian soap opera, Neighbours.

Freya Emerson, 33, has become increasingly concerned for Jarrod “Toadfish” Rebecchi since he recently started exhibiting erratic behaviour with ominous music playing, as if to foreshadow an upcoming unpleasant fate. 

Emerson said: “In the 30 years I’ve known Toadie, he’s been through more than any human being should have to bear.”

“He’s been shot,” she continued. “He’s been through six wives, two of whom died, with one later returning from the dead. And he had a very nasty accident involving a bouncy castle.”

“Now he’s in a proper state,” Emerson added. “I haven’t seen him this bad since his not-really-dead ex wife’s evil twin conned him out of all his money then had sex with him while his then-current-but-now-also-dead wife, who was pregnant with another friend’s baby after he brought over a lunchbox full of jizz for her to inseminate herself, watched on Skype.”

Emerson’s real-life friend, Becky Armitage, said: “Freya needs to watch less TV.”

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