An autistic woman reportedly has “no idea” why everything she says sounds like “sarcasm”, even when she’s being “sincere”.

Emma Bernard, 29, told reporters that she has always had this “problem” but the harder she “tries” to inject genuine enthusiasm into her “voice”, the more she sounds like she’s about to end each sentence with a Borat-style “NOT!”

Bernard commented: “It doesn’t seem to matter how sincere I’m being, my voice makes me sound anything from mildly passive aggressive to, well, plain evil.”

“I mean, you try saying ‘I’m so happy for you’ without sounding like Alan Rickman delivering a withering putdown.”

“I’m SO happy for you,” continued Bernard. “I’m so HAPPY for you. I’m so happy for YOU! I’M so happy for you!”

Bernard could not be reached for further comment as she was busy frantically apologising for “congratulating” a colleague on their “beautiful” “baby”. 

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