An autistic man has invited reporters to view his record-breaking grudge collection. 

Gavin Monks, 43, has had a special focus on grudges his entire life and now has whole rooms in his home dedicated to them. 

Monks said: “This is my room for everyday grudges. As you can see, the display cabinet here is for various obstructive receptionists. My GP’s receptionist had a whole shelf.”

“Then we get into more niche, vintage stuff,” he continued, showing reporters his bedroom, which was stuffed floor to ceiling with grudges. “I’ve had this one since primary school. It’s the time Jack Harrington said I was one flap of the ears away from takeoff.”

Monks even allowed reporters to view his most valuable items, stored in a dark, cool room. “Some of these date back to before I was born,” he explained in hushed tones. “Like my parents calling my brother Matt and me Gavin. I’ve taken these out a lot, so they’re quite fragile.”

“I’m starting to run out of room,” Monks admitted. “But I just don’t want to get rid of any. They mean so much to me. It’s why I never married. I look forward to me and my grudges growing old together.”

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