Better late than never, concludes woman’s autism report
A woman approaching her 98th birthday has received a late late diagnosis of autism, reports have confirmed. Julie Walker, 97, from Goole – who received the full copy of her assessment report last Thursday – initially assumed her letter from the King had arrived early....
Apply now! Autistic singles wanted for Larp Island
This is a Vaccine Booster! A little top-up of autism that’s the whole joke. For a full dose, scroll through our main feed – and if you’re still not autistic enough, subscribe to get bonus content on Patreon.
We didn’t want to give her the autism label, say parents of woman with five mental health diagnoses
A couple has expressed relief that their now-adult autistic daughter didn’t receive her diagnosis in childhood – despite developing a string of psychiatric illnesses during that time. Paul and Mary Shinter, 56 and 58, had their suspicions “something was off” since Paige – now 25...
Woman outraged to learn that inner child work is unpaid
An autistic woman has been shocked to discover “inner child work” is not a means to generate income – halfway through a course of therapy. Sarah Harrow, 27, had been seeing an NHS professional for eight weeks when she arrived at the realisation that she...
Autistic teen begs mum for sick note to get out of National Service
This is a Vaccine Booster! A little top-up of autism that’s the whole joke. For a full dose, scroll through our main feed – and if you’re still not autistic enough, subscribe to get bonus content on Patreon.
Autistic woman forced to undergo hour of small talk rewarded with haircut
An autistic woman is reportedly “horrified” after being forced to partake in 56 minutes of drawn out chatter in exchange for a simple cut and blow – and then being asked to pay £40 for her ordeal. Sarah Harrow, 33, from Crosby, realised her mistake...
“I think?” Autistic woman prefaces highly specific knowledge to sound less weird
An autistic woman has honed the art of looking normal – despite having a near-encyclopaedic knowledge of all three Bridget Jones films, it has been rumoured. Ellie Mulligan, 34, knows extensive character lore, filming facts and even where they bought Mark Darcy’s folding underpants from. ...
Wow! Child with autism on talent show inspires by being distinctly mediocre
An 11-year-old autistic boy who appeared on This Country’s Quite Gifted has stunned audiences – by singing in a way that would be entirely expected for a child his age. Finley Rice – who ocassionally hums along to whatever’s on in the car – appeared...
Great, thanks! Autistic woman asked about gap in employment
This is a Vaccine Booster! A little top-up of autism that’s the whole joke. For a full dose, scroll through our main feed – and if you’re still not autistic enough, subscribe to get bonus content on Patreon.
I see beyond her autism, says woman staring at girlfriend’s tits
A woman who bravely met an autistic woman for a drink realised there was much more to her than her autism when she noticed something else first: an absolutely impeccable rack. When Beth Hapworth, 28, first noticed her date Emma Bernard, 33, across the bar,...