A couple of autistic friends who also have dyscalculia have managed to compensate for their spiky skill set between the three of them, an indeterminate number of reports have indicated. 

Emma Bernard, ?, and Sabeen Bhatt, ???, have been best friends since they were placed in the same bottom-set maths class, and have been muddling through together ever since that day around 700 years ago.

Bhatt said: “Emma and I go way back. We’ve known each other since Year Squiggle maths.”

“We’re both great at English and humanities,” Bhatt continued. “But counting can be a struggle, especially as we only have 13 fingers each. But put us together and that decreases to an unstoppable 37!”

Bernard commented: “It can be tough meeting up, though. But we plough on. Tonight Sabeen is coming over when the clock strikes eleventy.”

Bernard was last seen waiting for Bhatt to arrive, stating: “I’ll text her if she’s not here in another four-score minutes.”

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