An autistic woman’s movie night has been wrecked by the volume being set to 21, sources have revealed.

Emma Bernard, 38, had been looking forward to a classic movie marathon with friends, but found herself unable to enjoy the evening after someone (Becky) incorrectly set the volume to a stupid, wrong number and just left it like that – like a monster. 

Bernard said: “Ideally it would be on 20 or 22. I could even cope with 25. But 21?? 21???? What’s wrong with her??”

“It completely ruined When Harry Met Sally,” she continued. “How am I meant to laugh along with the fake orgasm scene while Becky is trying to actually murder me?”

Friend Becky Armitage, 39, commented: “Are you alright? Is it too loud for you?” before turning the volume down to 19.

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