An autistic person has managed to suck all the joy out of their special interest by attempting to make money from it, reports have indicated. 

Jay Chester, 42, has always loved baking as fun, low-pressure hobby, made the inexplicable decision to turn it into a not-fun, high-pressure job. 

“They say if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life,” Chester explained tearfully, while kneeling by a hot oven, staring desperately at a vanilla cake that refused to rise. 

“I’m making a wedding cake,” they continued. “The most important day of someone’s life, as the couple keeps reminding me. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

“Why won’t you rise, you little fucker?? If you don’t rise, I don’t get paid!”

Despite all evidence to the contrary, Chester has insisted that their career change was the right move. 

“I’ve since taken up crochet to deal with the stresses of full-time baking,” Chester told us. “I wonder if there’s any money in it.”

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