A non-autistic friend who asked a polite question about an autistic woman’s special interest has no idea that they will be hearing about it until they’re dead, it has been rumoured. 

Pippa Durham, 29, made the fatal error when Paige Thomas, 36, mentioned her love of the Australian soap opera, Neighbours, and she responded: “Oh right. Is Toadie still on it?” prompting an oral history that was somehow longer than Toadie’s 29-year stint on the show. 

Durham said: “At the point where she began re-enacting his first wife, Dee’s, return from the dead before she transpired to be a long-lost evil twin who went on to push the real Dee off a cliff, I started to wonder if I was hallucinating.”

“Honestly it would have been quicker if she’d just made me watch 29 years of Neighbours,” Durham continued. “With matchsticks keeping my eyes open like in A Clockwork Orange.”

Thomas said: “If we’re watching 29 years of Neighbours, we might as well go the whole hog and start in 1985.”

Durham was unavailable for further comment as she had fallen into what doctors have described as a “voluntary coma”. 

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